Neck pain
When the upper region of the spinal column gets shrunk or rubbed off, or when the gap between the two vertebrae gets narrowed or toxins accumulate, neck pain happens.
Symptoms: Pain, stiffness, vertigo, headache, and restlessness. The gripping power of the hands also gets weakened.
· Sleeping on a foam bed and using thick pillows.
· Keeping neck bent or raised for a long time like watching movies, working on a computer or scrolling through social media.
· Wrong posture of sitting.
· Stress, tension, worries.
· Lack of exercise.
· Excessive intake of medicine.
Yogic Ways of Treating Neck Pain
1. Asanas: Neck exercise, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Kati chakrasan-3 repetitions.
2. Pranayama: Anulom vilom- 11 rounds.
3. Meditation-10 to 15 minutes.
4. Relaxation: Yoga Nidra, Savasana, Makarasana- 10 minutes