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Total health- upanishadic concept- Koshas

Our physical body is something we can see, touch, and experience. It is visible and on display, so we invest a lot of effort in maintaining it by keeping it clean, grooming it perfectly, dressing well, and enhancing it in various ways to impress others. While this is important, we must remember that we are more than just our physical bodies. According to Yoga philosophy, we are composed of five bodies or sheaths, each comprising increasingly subtle forms of energy. To lead a truly balanced and healthy life, all our bodies must be kept in good condition simultaneously. This concept of the "five bodies" or "Panch Kosha" is explained in the Taittriya Upanishad. The Panch Kosha includes-

Annamaya kosh- Physical body

Pranamaya kosh- Physiological body

Manomaya kosh- Mental body

Vijnamaya kosh- Intellectual body

Anand maya kosh- Bliss body

Annamaya kosh

The physical body, known as the स्थूल शरीर, is composed of the food we consume. Birth and death are characteristics of this outer sheath, which functions during the waking state. Seven dhatus are generated from food. This body is tangible, perceptible, and serves as the starting point for our yoga practice. By regarding this body as a divine gift and caring for it as a temple that houses our soul, individuals can enhance vitality and longevity, as this energy sustains physical life. It is the sole sheath composed of material substance. Eating overcooked or stale animal-based food can deplete the vitality of the physical body, hindering its ability to process nutrients effectively. Strengthening this sheath can be achieved through the quality of food and the practice of Asana. - Structural Yoga Therapy - Mukunda Stiles p. 44

Prana maya kosh

The focus is on the network of essential energy known as Prana, which includes Nadis and chakras. Hunger and thirst are among its characteristics. This body functions during the dreaming state and is more refined than Annamaya. The pranamaya kosh regulates the annamaya and serves as a link between the gross and subtle bodies. By practicing breathing awareness and exercises such as pranayama, the flow of prana in the body can be enhanced and facilitated. This life energy controls various bodily systems like respiration, digestion, blood circulation, and excretion, ensuring our survival. When this energy ceases, the physical body ceases to function, vital organs stop working, and cells break down. There are five main pranas - Prana, Apana, Saman, Udana, and Vyana - each performing different functions, such as respiration, excretion, digestion, creativity, and circulation. Strengthening this sheath is possible through the practice of pranayama.

Manomaya kosh

It comprises mind and sense organs- Jnanendriyas. This is the body of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Pleasure and pain are characteristics of this body. Patterns of thoughts, attitudes and beliefs are all aspects of our personality and are embedded in the Manomaya kosha- Dr M S Thirunavukkarsu - Compilation on Yoga and Naturopathy p. 31. It is subtler than prana maya. This is the master that controls both Annamaya and pranamaya kosha. Someone has explained working of this kosha beautifully like this-It is also responsible for sensory and motor nerves and also our day-to-day awareness when we are functioning on "automatic" route. You get a clear sense of it when you observe a person in a coma. The first and second sheaths are still operating-he is breathing, his heart and lungs are still operating, he is being given food, but he has no awareness”. If he has no awareness, then what type of life it is? This sheath operates from our first breath until the last breath. If we keep feeding our body with violent TV shows and video games, and keep it engaged in social media, it takes aggressive form and becomes less sensitive. And similarly, if we stuff it with too much work and too less play, it experiences mental indigestion.

It is the kosha that keeps us in bondage. A daily sense of pratyahar leading to meditation provides an excellent tune up. With tratak kriya and meditation, we can strengthen this sheath.

Vijnamaya kosh

It is the sheath of our intellect (buddhi) and ego (Ahamkara). Intellect also includes will power. It is reflective and introspective aspect of our consciousness. The quality of buddhi is discrimination and determination. Thus, it guides the mind to come to a definite conclusion-by analyzing the facts-what is right, what is wrong; what should be done and what should not be done. Vijan is a real instrument of action- the Bhagavad Gita suggests. This being the closest to our soul receives the highest light of the soul compared to mind and body and thus has higher wisdom to guide us through our life. All new ways of thinking, intuition, creativity, invention, and discovery are products of this kosha. We should always operate through vijnanmaya kosha.

One who doesn't seem in control of his life, who always blames others or circumstances for failure ; one whose ethical foundation is not strong ; one who cannot stick to his decision (lack of perseverance and patience) are the type of persons whose vijnanmaya kosha is weak.

Yamas and Niyamas are designed for such persons. Reading good scriptures, books that uplift the spirit, company of noble persons, satvik diet strengthens this kosha. Jnana yoga also works on this kosha.

Pranayama, Manomaya and vijnanmaya are part of our subtle body शूक्ष्म शरीर .

Anandmaya kosha

It is inmost being of our personality. This kosha reflects three attributes of our soul-Sat- eternal existence, Chitta- consciousness and Ananda- bliss. It operates during deep sleep. This sheath comprises latent impressions. Love (Priya) joy (Modà) and delight (Pramod) are reflections of bliss. The ananda is our inherent nature and not dependent on outside objects or circumstances. The only thing is we need to be connected with our soul. It is the deepest level of our being where we are fully in touch with our inner soul.

Interrelationship between the Koshas

“The Koshas are really not separate but indistinguishably connected with each other. They are considered separate only for the purpose of explanation and conceptual understanding. Energies flow from one kosha to another. For example, thoughts in the manomaya kosha stimulate a flow of vital energy in the Pranamaya kosha, which, in turn, stimulates the physical body; and intuitions in the vijnanmaya kosha are accompanied by a proud of joy from the Anandmaya kosha and by inspired activity in the manomaya, Pranayama and annamaya Koshas”. Dr M S Thirunavukkarasu - Compilation on Yoga and Naturopathy p. 33.

By doing yoga, we can integrate all our five sheaths of existence.

Practice point

Ordinarily, we operate from our Manomaya Kosh mental sheath. Though buddhi gives us the right advice but because of past habits and samsaras, mind overpowers the buddhi and always has its way. We should always strengthen our vijananamaya kosh by following Yamas and Niyamas in life. Keep watching your behavior and actions and see that your mind doesn’t overpower your intellect. Do introspection and reflection to increase the hold of Vijnanmaya kosh.

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