The Bhagavad Gita, or the Gita, contains the discourse that takes place between Lord Krishna and Arjun before the start of the Kurukshetra war. The teachings by Lord Krishna helped change Arjun’s perspective about life and, thus, his life path. While the Gita is many centuries old, the logic and knowledge inherent in its every word makes it a timeless guide to leading a healthy life. The message given to Arjuna is a message to the humanity. Let's summarize some of the important teachings below.
Develop the right perspective
Just before the Kurukshetra war was about to begin, emotions of pity and sorrow overwhelmed Arjun. He was not interested in fighting, and he gave illogical and unrealistic arguments about this. Seeing the plight of Arjuna, Lord said क्लेब्यं मा स्म ग़म: पार्थ नैतत्वुपपद्यते। क्षुद्रम ह्रदयदौर्बल्यम त्यक्त्वा उतिष्ठ परंतप।। (II-3) yield not to unmanliness, O son of Pritha - cast off this mean faintheartedness and arise and fight. This is, in a sense, the essence of Bhagwad Gita and excellent advice for us too. Various types of negative emotions always overwhelm us and they overpower us. Lord says give up this faintheartedness, arise and fight with your lower nature. This always drags you down. This is the constant struggle in everybody's life- fight between lower and higher nature. Following the dictum is the most potent advice for growth in life.
2. Look for what is Real
Gita says that unreal (असत asata) has no existence and real (सत sata) has no non - existence नासतो विद्यते भावो नाभावो विद्यते सत:( ii-16) meaning real is one that defies changes and remains the same in all periods of time- past present and future and that is our soul which was there earlier, is there now and shall be there in the future; it is not subject to birth and death; it is changeless. The unreal is one that which exists only in the present. They were not there in the past and shall not be there in the future. Our body and whatever is there in the universe is subject to death and decay. They are subject to change. So, we must understand clearly what is self and what is non-self; what is real and what is unreal. The soul is Real. The entire attitude towards life will change once we accept the reality that we are not the body, but we are the soul. Most of our life's problems are because of this ignorance.
3. Understand that change is the law of nature:
According to the Gita, whatever is there in nature has to change. We know that our body, thoughts, moods, emotions, times, circumstances, as well as everything around us is in a state of flux. Yet, when we are told that we need to change, we are reluctant to accept the advice or adamantly oppose it. To be successful, an individual need to adapt to new situations, innovate and come up with better solutions, and explore new opportunities. So, while you enjoy the experience of being in familiar surroundings, be ready to usher in reforms and have new experiences. Biggest lesson that nature teaches us is to welcome the change and adjust to the new reality.
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन (2-47) ‘Karma Karo, phala ki chinta mat karo’ is the wisest message the Bhagwad Gita gives us. Today, we are working only for some materialistic goals - a better house, a car, and a comfortable living. When we have some specific goal, our focus changes from work to achieving that goal. This distracts the mind and dissipates energy. And the work we produce is of a substandard quality. Lord, in Gita, suggests that we should focus solely on work, immerse ourselves in it, and entrust the results to the hands of the Lord. Not focusing on results doesn't mean we won't get results. On the contrary, the results will be far superior. All great works in this world were done with this kind of attitude only. We are so goal-driven that we do everything only thinking about the results and, in the process, produce mediocre work. Lord further advises that if this looks difficult, offer all your actions to me. Even if it too looks difficult, don't treat yourself as a doer of work but just as an instrument in His hands. Actually, it is His work, and He alone is the doer. We are just puppets.
5. Desire and anger are our greatest enemies
काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भव: महाशनो महापाप्मा विद्धयेनमिह वैरिणम् 3/37
Gita says that Kama (desire) and Krodha (anger) are our potent enemies. " I want this thing" is Kama and when it doesn't get fulfilled, it gives rise to anger and if it gets fulfilled, it wants more of it and that is lobha (greed). They are the products of Rajas element in our system. And when we have subdued them, there is peace all around. The major cause of our uneasiness and restlessness is never ending desires and our inability to meet them. All faiths state that desire is the sole cause of our miseries.
6. Control your mind
असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गुह्यते 6/35
Undoubtedly, controlling and calming the mind is difficult, but through practice and dispassion, one can restrain it.
Lord says there is no doubt that the mind is strong, unyielding, stubborn, and restless, but with practice and dispassion, one can bring it under control. Practice what all good things are - speak the truth, not to steal, not to be greedy, eat abstemiously, exercise and then vairagya- dispassion- give up all unhealthy habits, avoid unhealthy food, control your anger and greed, etc.
With all these things mind can be brought under control and this teaching has all the better application nowadays - we have become restless, impatient, insensitive and to work on our mind is the greatest need for the present generation. It is only the peaceful mind that produces quality work.
A calm mind will help us control our impulses, stay unperturbed and hopeful through both the good and the bad times, and keep stressors under control. It will also help us achieve clarity of thought, weigh our options, and channelize our energy towards gainful endeavours. The knowledge that change is inevitable plays a big role in helping us stay calm.
Fear is one of the primordial emotions present in every living being. In humans, fear expresses avidya (ignorance) or lack of right knowledge and the consequent inability to manage emotions. So, be steadfast in your efforts to gain knowledge and wisdom. Fear and faith in God cannot exist together. Fear also denotes that our surrender is not complete. As your faith increases, fear melts away. Another way to drive out fear is do the thing repeatedly you fear the most.
We can understand that out of some 26 qualities of a divine person Lord has described fearlessness is number 1. Mahatma Gandhi has said it truly deserved number 1 . Without fearlessness, nothing is possible on the spiritual path.
8. Practice tolerance (tapa) and forgiveness (Kshama) 16/1-3
In the same chapter, the Lord describes to practice tolerance (Kshama). Tolerance teaches us to face the hardships of life with equanimity and desist from using force, even when provoked. Tapa purifies us of all our mental impurities. Forgiveness helps us pardon injustice and overcome the feelings of animosity. Both these qualities are crucial to maintain and nurture relationships, develop feelings of empathy and love, and overcome divisive thoughts. These two values formed the bedrock of the relationship that bound the Pandav brothers. They are needed the most in today's times.
9. Diet, recreation and sleep
Three important aspects of healthy living are :
युक्त आहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मषु
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दु:खहा-6/17
Yoga becomes a destroyer of pain for him who is moderate in eating and recreation, who is moderate in his exertion; who is moderate in sleep and wakefulness?
For one who eats too much or too less, who sleeps too much or works too much or too less, yoga will not bring results to him. Because in both the case he will find himself dull, lazy and lethargic and such a state is not conducive to yoga.
So, we should not eat just to gratify our tongue, rather, we should eat to have strength and vitality for serving the Lord. This is a very important factor in maintaining health. And the foods that give the most vitality are those that we can eat in their natural form, such as fruits and vegetables prepared in salads or lightly steamed. (It is best to eat sparingly of fried foods and sweets.) By dieting according to Lord’s instructions, we can best appreciate the purpose of eating. And of course, one should offer everything they eat first to the Lord.
Work for the welfare of the world. We perform most of our actions solely for our own benefit. We rarely worry about how our actions may affect others. This mindset makes us act selfishly and detaches us from those around us. Selflessness helps us realise that the world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam). Our actions should be such that they help make the world a better place and help us bond with those around us.
10. Take Shelter in Him
यत्र योगेश्वर: कृष्णो यत्र पार्थ धनुर्धर:
तत्र श्रीविजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम 18/78
Wherever is Krishna, the Lord of yoga, wherever is Partha, the archer, there is prosperity, victory, happiness and firm policy. This is my conviction.
So the best advice for all of us is that if we cannot do any of these things, at least we should remember Krishna with full love and devotion and if we could do that, Lord says there will always be prosperity, health and happiness. Just do unconditional surrender unto His lotus feet and He will take care.
Practice lesson
Follow these teachings of Bhagwad Gita in whatever measure you can or just pick one or two points and practice them religiously. Observe progress over a period.