Our scriptures have extensively discussed the importance of daily routines, including how individuals should allocate their time and the essential activities that should be part of their day.
Even though these ideas were proposed millennia ago, they still hold significance in the present day. While adjustments may be necessary to adapt to our current situation, they provide a valuable foundation for us to work from.
How do they help us?
1. They keep us “in control”. We feel we are on the driver’s seat of our life.
2. Give tremendous self-confidence and a sense of discipline.
3. Allow us to concentrate on important things rather than fire fighting always.
4. Give us a feeling of satisfaction and pride.
Basics of an ideal routine - Dincharya are given below.
1. Get up in the morning
It is advised to wake up early during Brahma muhurt every day. Those who wake up during this time are rewarded with benefits such as health, wealth, knowledge, strength, and power. Brahma muhurt is the period 90 to 180 minutes before sunrise.
वर्ण कीर्तिमति लक्ष्मी स्वास्थ्यायुश्च विन्दति
ब्राह्मे मूहुर्ते सज्जाग्रच्छिर्यं वॉं पंक्कजं यथा ।।
2. Sighting the hands
After getting up one should see the palms of his hands while still in bed. It is believed in the first portion of the palm resides Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, in the middle - Saraswati the goddess of knowledge and in the last part Brahma-the creator. This ensures wealth and knowledge.
कराग्रेवसते लक्ष्मी: करमध्ये सरस्वती
करमूले स्थितो ब्रह्मा प्रभातेकरदर्शनम्।।
3. Sight of auspicious things and saluting the Gurus
Upon waking up, it is advisable to seek out nearby auspicious items such as cows, Basil or Peepal trees, and idols of Deities. Following this, one should show reverence to elders like father, mother, and Gurus. This practice is believed to bring longevity, knowledge, respect, and strength. It is recommended to perform these rituals at home if the necessary items are available there. One should not go out for the purpose.
4. Morning water- Ushapan
According to Ayurveda system it is good to drink water in the morning. Drink two to four/ five glasses of water, as per capacity, particularly the one kept in a copper vessel overnight. This destroys problems of all the three doshas- vata, pitta and kapha. One gets his stomach clean and cured of stomach related problems.
5. Cleaning Bowel and bladder (Toilet)
Then one should clean one's bowel and bladder. There are certain prescriptions to be followed here. If possible cover your head, and if you wear the thread, wrap it around your right ear. This makes the flow of wind downward and helps in evacuation. Keep your jaw (upper and lower teeth) pressed over each other. Don’t strain.
6. Cleaning the teeth
These days, toothpaste and a toothbrush are commonly used, whereas in the past, people would utilize a soft twig from neem or babool trees, which was believed to be advantageous for dental issues. Nevertheless, the primary goal remains the same - to maintain oral hygiene by cleaning the teeth, regardless of the method used.
7. Exercise or walking in fresh air
Engaging in daily exercise is important, regardless of location and time. This can include activities like a morning walk, yoga, or any form of physical exercise. Maintaining a healthy body, building strength, and enhancing digestion are all benefits of regular exercise. Walking in the fresh, open air in the morning or evening contributes significantly to good health. Whether it's physical workouts, walking, or any other form of movement, the advantages are immense. The American Heart Association suggests engaging in any type of physical activity for 30 minutes, five days a week.
8. Bath
In Ayurveda massage is recommended before bath. For bath, it suggests bathing only in pure water kept in a pure vessel. Bathe in fresh water not in warm water. Hot water is recommended only for old, diseased and in winter. Don’t bathe in haste. Don’t take bath after food, in sickness and in late night.
9. Clothing
For clothes, it is suggested that they should be clean, properly washed, according to season and gracious. Clothes should be according to one's constitution, they should not cause any disease and promote simplicity and purity.
10. Mantra chanting
Our scriptures have extensively discussed yajna, oblations, and chanting. It is beneficial to include worship and mantra chanting in our daily routines, considering our life's limitations and time constraints. This practice can be invigorating and boost confidence, providing a sense of reassurance that a Higher Force is looking out for us in times of trouble.
11. Food
It is recommended for adults to have two meals a day. Additionally, one can consume milk, fruits, etc. It is important to chew each morsel 32 times and eat with mindfulness. Avoid drinking water in between meals. Spicy food, eating in anger, eating without hunger, or eating when excessively hungry are not beneficial for health. It is advisable not to eat when feeling unwell, experiencing stomach pain, or having the urge to defecate.
Don’t take food at impure and dirty place, at dusk or dawn and in a broken plate.
The one who prepares food and also one who serves should not be immoral, adulterer, back biter and suffering from any communicable diseases.
While taking food, don’t argue, speak harsh words and be angry.
We should not find fault in food, nor cry and shout while eating.
Half cooked, tasteless, left out food are tamasic food.
There should be four types of purity in food
A) Kshetra Suddhi (purity of place)
It is important for the area where food is cooked and consumed to be clean. If there is dust, dirt, mosquitoes, and flies present, harmful bacteria can thrive. When these contaminants come into contact with food, they can cause illnesses.
B) Dravya Suddhi- (purity of money)
Food prepared or bought by money earned with unethical, illegal, immoral means affects our body and mind and cannot make us pure and satvik.
C) Kala Suddhi (purity of time)
Those who don’t take their food on time suffer from various stomach related diseases. Taking food when you are hungry is the best time.
D) Bhava Suddhi (purity of thoughts)
Take food in good mood. Don’t take food when angry, irritated, disturbed, distressed or depressed.
12. Earning livelihood
Those who are responsible for earning livelihood should devote at least eight hours or more to work and do their job, business or profession, whatever it is, with utmost honesty, sincerity and diligence.
Avoiding deceit, theft, fraud, falsehood one should engage in one’s business or service or whatever his occupation is.
13. Sleep
Don’t go to bed immediately after food. Sleeping place should be airy, pure and clean. One should read holy books or scriptures before sleeping. Keeping one's head in east or south direction one should sleep on a clean bed. Remembering God, lie down on your left side. It is good to sleep for 7/8 hours. Switch off your TV, phones half an hour before going to bed. Don’t cover your face and don’t sleep with socks on. It is good to go to bed early and rise early.
Practice point
As noted, embracing a healthy routine leads to freedom. It may seem paradoxical that by adhering to a certain discipline, one can achieve freedom. However, true freedom comes from making conscious, well-considered choices that empower us to take control of our lives. This enables us to prioritize important tasks and eliminate trivial pursuits. Select the aspects mentioned above that resonate with you, commit to them consistently, and observe the positive outcomes for yourself. We recommend establishing a schedule for waking up and going to bed, as well as for exercise and diet. These three elements are fundamental to both physical and mental well-being. To cultivate a habit, practice it for a minimum of 60 days.