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Ahimsa- love for all


Ahimsa, the principle of non-violence, is defined as "do no harm". It encompasses refraining from violence in thought, speech, and action, and extends to avoiding causing harm to others physically, including other species and nature. This concept is part of the first limb of yoga (Yama) as outlined by Maharshi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra. Maharshi Patanjali emphasizes that one should not commit, support, or approve of violence. This implies that instigating violence in others, even if not personally committing it, or remaining silent in the face of violence, goes against the principle of Ahimsa.

Engaging in self-harm or self-torture is a type of violence (Himsa), even towards your own body. The practice of Yoga emphasizes that Ahimsa should begin with how we care for ourselves physically. This is the reason and method through which Yoga can assist individuals in developing self-worth, assurance, and self-compassion, while also aiding them in conquering the detrimental internal dialogue that has been ingrained.

Echoing the same thing Ira Israel suggests- "Practicing yoga teaches us that ahimsa must start with the way we treat our own bodies. This is why and how yoga can help practitioners build self esteem, confidence, and self love and further helps himto overcome the negative self-talk that has been conditioned into us early in our lives” - Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine p.178.

This principle is the common thread found in all religions. The concept of Ahimsa is considered the supreme religion - अहिंसा परमोधर्म: । It is not merely a superficial action, but a natural inclination to detest violence. Looking at it from another perspective, it signifies showing affection towards every living being, as love breeds love. It is believed that someone who embodies Ahimsa can even pacify fierce animals in their presence, showcasing the immense power of non-violence.

Most of world’s problems can be solved, avoided if we follow ahimsa in true spirit.

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